Custom Imports and Exports

Increase Efficiency

CDM Custom Imports and Exports affect increased efficiency in data entry  and data collaboration.

CDM systems include tools for streamlining data entry by creating Custom  Imports. Custom Exports are a fast easy way to share data with in-house  researchers.

Custom Imports

CDM  systems have the capability of importing data from other databases or mainframe  systems through the Custom Import process.  CDM Technical Support Services include building  custom imports to import data from other formats including ASCII, comma and tab  delimited. Typical data sets include, but not limited to, demographic,  procedure, diagnosis, provider and financial data. Contact CDM for more  information and pricing.

Custom Exports

CDM Technical Support Services offer custom export creation for  submitting data to other databases, such as state or  regional repositories or mainframe systems.   Custom Exports provide the ability to download  and share data from CDM systems in ASCII, comma and tab delimited formats